

Собаки от А до Я
руб. 99 руб. 50
Russian Traditions: Russian Cuisine Russian Folklore (2 DVD) Серия: Русские традиции инфо 10762c.

Russian Traditions: Russian Cuisine Russian Folklore (2 DVD) Серия: Русские традиции инфо 10762c.

От издателя Russian Cuisine Russian cuisine is indeed original Its distinctive quality is not only in original recipes but also in the fact that it expresses a certain way of life Let's recall what the tradачщйтitional Russian cuisine was rich in - and try to make the том remarkable dishes The video includes making pretzels, pancakes, schi, stuffed carp, wedding pie "Kournik" аs well as recipes of sauerkraut, marinated mushrooms, fermented tomatoes, pickled cucumbeбзумъrs, rye bread kvas, mors (fruit drink) Thе video is intended for common people who like cooking as well as for true connoisseurs of Russian cuisine The program is based on authentic folklore and ethnographic material and features songs, chastushki and riddles В программе: приготовление кренделей, блинов, щей, карпа фаршированного, свадебного пирога "Курник", рецепты маринованной капусты, грибов, квашенных томатов, соленых огурцов, кваса сахарного, ягодного морса Russiaбпюьлn Folklore The video tells about Russian folk traditions and is based on authentic folklore and ethnographic materials gathered by theater actors during expeditions It also represents Russian folk calendar rites and holidays Contents: Songs, chastooshki, folk customs, games, round dances, superstitions, riddles, dreams, folk music Видеофильм отражает национальные традиции и основан на подлинном фольклорном и этнографическом материале, собранном актерами театра в экспедициях, а также на материале народных календарных обрядов и праздников.